Bishop Stephen Williams
Senior Pastor & Public Relations
Lady Hope
Daughters of Sarah Women’s Ministry
Bishop Stephen L. Williams is an anointed leader, psalmist, writer, teacher and counselor who have been serving the Kingdom of God for more than 25 years. He is currently the pastor of two churches, Goodwill Baptist Church, Inc. (2011) located in Clemmons N.C. and Mt. Zion Outreach Center also known as "The Haven" (2004) located in Thomasville, N.C. He believes and works to build these churches to be multiracial, multicultural and a fully functional five-fold operational ministry. His ministerial desire is for everyone to know "who they are and whose they are in God."
Bishop Stephen L. Williams has a passion and a purpose to spread the fame of Jesus Christ through preaching the word, ministering in song, and leading by example with a God centered lifestyle. He compels hearers to become doers and promotes that there is no power stronger than the power of God. He walks in an anointing that promotes change. He operates under the command of the Holy Spirit with a strong emphasis on a person's total life change and deliverance. He has a musical gift that has afforded him to sing nationally and internationally, write songs for other gospel artists and be involved as a lead singer and writer on several recordings.
Lady Hope M. Williams is his wife and supporter and is the proud father of a son Jordan Chandler and a daughter MaKensie Alexandra.
Minister Kelly Leak
Chairman of Trustees
Deacon Rufus Cuthrell
Chairman of Deacon/ Media/ Transportation
Sis. Angela Lindsay
Executive Administrator
Eld. Ronnie Coleman
Men’s Ministry
Eld. Steven & Michelle Lewis
LIFFT Ministry
Pastor Alberta Cuthrell
Christian Education
Pastor Reginald Coleman
Parish Relations
Sis. Cynora Sprinkle
Sis. Daphne McFadden
Hospitality Ministry